The 6th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop

At NAACL 2024. 21 June 2024, Mexico City, Mexico.

Call for Papers & Participation: The ClinicalNLP 2024 Workshop & Shared Tasks at NAACL 2024

Clinical text is growing rapidly as electronic health records become pervasive. Much of the information recorded in a clinical encounter is located exclusively in provider narrative notes, which makes them indispensable for supplementing structured clinical data in order to better understand patient state and care provided. The methods and tools developed for the clinical domain have historically lagged behind the scientific advances in the general-domain NLP. Despite the substantial recent strides in clinical NLP, a substantial gap remains. The goal of this workshop is to address this gap by establishing a regular event in CL conferences that brings together researchers interested in developing state-of-the-art methods for the clinical domain. The focus is on improving NLP technology to enable clinical applications, and specifically, information extraction and modeling of narrative provider notes from electronic health records, patient encounter transcripts, and other clinical narratives.

Relevant topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • Modeling clinical text in standard NLP tasks (tagging, chunking, parsing, entity identification, entity linking/normalization, relation extraction, coreference, summarization, etc.)
  • De-identification and other handling of protected health information
  • Disease detection and other coding of clinical documents (e.g., ICD)
  • Structure of clinical documents (e.g., section identification)
  • Information extraction from clinical text
  • Integration of structured and textual data for clinical tasks
  • Domain adaptation and transfer learning techniques for clinical data
  • Generation of clinical notes: summarization, image-to-text, generation of notes from clinical conversations, etc.
  • Annotation schemes and annotation methodology for clinical data
  • Evaluation techniques for the clinical domain
  • Bias and fairness in clinical text

In 2024, Clinical NLP will encourage submissions from the following special tracks:

  • Clinical NLP in low-resource settings (e.g., languages other than English)
  • Clinical NLP for clinical conversations (e.g., doctor-patient)
  • Risk analysis of large language models for clinical NLP (e.g., privacy, bias)

The 6th Clinical NLP Workshop will be co-located with NAACL 2024 in Mexico City on June 20 or 21.

Shared Tasks

Clinical NLP 2024 is hosting four shared tasks:

  • Task 1 - MEDIQA-CORR: Medical Error Detection & Correction
  • Task 2 - MEDIQA-M3G: Multilingual & Multimodal Medical Answer Generation
  • Task 3 - EHRSQL: Reliable Text-to-SQL Modeling on Electronic Health Records
  • Task 4 - Chemotherapy Timelines Extraction

Please visit the shared task websites to register to participate and for additional information about the shared tasks.


The OpenReview submission site is:

All submissions must follow ACL formatting guidelines, including:

Clinical NLP 2024 has no preprint restrictions; you may post to arXiv at any time. Clinical NLP 2024 workshop proceedings are archival will be published on the ACL Anthology.

We encourage submissions of papers submitted to but not accepted by EACL 2024, NAACL 2024, or ACL Rolling Review, as long as the topics are relevant to Clinical NLP.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00 (anywhere on Earth).

Event Date
Submission deadline Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Notification of acceptance Thursday April 18, 2024
Final versions of papers due Wednesday April 24, 2024
Workshop June 21, 2024

Shared Task Dates

Event Date
Shared task registration opens Monday January 8, 2024
Shared task release of training & validation sets Friday January 26, 2024
Shared task release of the test sets Tuesday March 26, 2024
Shared task run submission deadline Thursday March 28, 2024
Shared task release of official results Monday April 1, 2024
Shared task paper submission period starts Monday April 8, 2024
Shared task paper submission due Wednesday April 10, 2024
Notification of acceptance Thursday April 18, 2024
Final versions of papers due Wednesday April 24, 2024

Workshop Organizers

  • Asma Ben Abacha (Microsoft)
  • Danielle Bitterman (Harvard Medical School)
  • Kirk Roberts (UTHealth Houston)
  • Steven Bethard (University of Arizona)
  • Tristan Naumann (Microsoft Research)

For inquiries, please contact: